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Amplify your digital sales!

Imagine, your fans are overwhelmed, enthusiastic and happy beyond imagination - and you can add the cherry on the cake with the perfect add-on in this perfect moment? Imagine, you had a tool, that reaches everybody in their pockets in the exact second you want it to happen?

This is what LIVE! did in a stadium showcase - a real-time, mobile campaign, just minutes after the festival event has played its last tune. We've fired out a special promotion that was only available on the festival APP.

What you see in the clip below, is an order wave, generated within seconds, with order intakes every couple of seconds for the first 36h.

The order waves keep on waving for up to five days and demonstrate impressively the business impact and the power of LIVE's products. One of the core services at LIVE! Technologies Switzerland is mobile campaign consulting, content services, social media monetization and mobile/event campaign management. Means LIVE! is not only providing the tools for mobile campaigns - LIVE! covers the full process for you and can take care of everything if you like to.

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